I have been called a lot of things over the years, most of them good, but every once and a while you get an ass hat and you can’t fix them. I tend to let them go by the Karmic way side, as in most cases, the world has a way of righting its self.

I am a good person, I do good things for every one I know. I do good work, what ever I am doing. I am respected in many ways, and not so much in others. (even spell checks fails me at times, and I look daft.. Trust me, the IQ test tells me that I am Knot, yes, that is a pun)

I think the above statements are true of most people I know. Most good people know more good people and that’s where it spreads from.  I try to live for today, but I find my self plotting and planning tomorrow a bit too much these days, at 59 my days are growing short on this wonderful planet of ours. For me and for you…

I wish us all the happiness the next chapter of life can give, for we all start a new chapter, every day.

For those I will never set eyes on again, I love you from afar, know that You are in my thoughts. For those who will pass with out my knowing, I will remember you always, fondly. For those who have gone on already. I miss you, and I always will.

I give you my heart. I cannot help that its full of flour. That is where I store that spare cup that is always useful to have on hand.

Bake well, bake often and eat what makes you happy in the time you are given.

Merit Rose